Do Not Rely on Online Training to Learn CPR in NJ

With the internet it is possible to learn many things without leaving the comfort of your home. Often people teach themselves a hobby such as how to play an instrument or how to knit online. The Rainbow Loom craze introduced many people to YouTube instructional videos to learn how to make a variety of bracelet and necklace designs. Although it is possible to learn many skills online, CPR training is not recommended for online training.

To actually learn a skill practice is required. When playing a musical instrument, knitting, or making a bracelet it is easy to reference the internet and then practice until the skill is mastered. Mistakes made will be learned from during the process. CPR training, on the other hand, does not lend itself to practice without the proper training equipment. It is not safe to practice chest compressions on a healthy human and most people don’t have a CPR manikin on hand. Therefore CPR skills will not be mastered by viewing an online training video.

Research has shown that knowledge is retained when CPR is taught by a ‘practice while watching’ technique. This means the person taking the class learns the method, practices on the manikin and receives feedback from an instructor observing them practice. In addition, practice on a manikin allows the student to feel what it is like to properly compress a chest and apply breaths. How much force is required? What is the proper airflow? The feedback from the instructor helps the student refine their technique appropriately. None of this learning occurs when an online video is the only method of training.

Finally the information obtained from an online video may be outdated. CPR standards are continuously updated as researchers determine the best method for saving a life. There is no guarantee you are learning the current method if you are obtaining your information from an online video.

Many people argue they don’t have time to locate and attend a CPR class. Oceanside CPR believes anyone and everyone should be educated in CPR. Therefore Oceanside CPR is willing to provide onsite training. We will come to you! Contact us to learn more.

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