Become Certified in CPR and AED Lifesaving Techniques

Oceanside CPR is an American Heart Association site for AED CPR training and first aid techniques for use on both adults and children. Individuals who receive CPR training leave feeling confident that they can apply techniques learned in the class to effectively administer CPR or AED to someone suffering from a heart attack or other life-threatening emergency. Studies show that administering CPR to someone suffering from cardiac arrest can double or triple his or her chances for survival. However, you must understand the proper methods of CPR and AED training to insure you perform it correctly.

On-Site CPR Training

Oceanside CPR understands that not everyone has the time to get to a class at a public location. We offer on-site CPR classes in NJ for businesses and individuals who don’t have the time or resources to attend one of our classes. You receive the same expert level of training just at your location. When you take one of our classes, you will learn how to properly administer CPR, including practicing on life-sized CPR mannequins. You can also learn basic first aid skills and how to use an automated external defibrillator in the event someone suffers a heart attack. Our on-site classes are perfect for teachers, childcare workers, church staff, and restaurants.

Pediatric Training Classes

Children’s bodies are designed differently than adults, so there are differences in how you handle CPR and AED techniques when using it on children. Our pediatric CPR class focuses on teaching students how to administer first aid or CPR to children. These classes are perfect for parents, babysitters, childcare givers, and especially for anyone responsible for children when they’re swimming or near water.

Our first aid classes are also helpful for people who care for children because it teaches the basics on how to handle broken bones, abrasions, burns, and head injuries. The survival rate for victims who receive at-home care is much higher than victims who receive no care prior to arriving at the hospital. Let Oceanside CPR provide you with the education you need to provide techniques that could save someone’s life.

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